While most people would learn as they go through the MLM process with a company they are passionate about, Bethany College wants to teach people how to succeed in that world, reports Time. Over a period...
NBCDFW.com: Working from home for extra cash is very attractive for people short on money, but some pitches will only lead to disappointment. The Better Business Bureau recommends people look for companies with a good reputation and...
YoungEntrepreneur: Mark Levit, founder and managing partner of Partners & Levit, Inc., a New York advertising agency, discusses how you can make tough economic times work for you. “As the economic cycle spins, marketers look forward to...
photo credit: BL1961 Entrepreneur.com posted a very interesting article on how veterans often make great franchise owners. There were many points brought up in this article that I have to agree with and find also very...
Open Forum: John Galardi was just 23 when opened his first fast-food hot dog stand, Der Wienerschnitzel, in the Wilmington neighborhood of Los Angeles. Today, 50 years later, Wienerschnitzel (which dropped the “der”...
The Terrafugia Transition, a light aircraft that looks like a Volkswagen Beetle and can convert into a road-legal automobile, is to go into production after being given a special weight exemption by the US Federal...
The New York Times: Evan Sheftel of New York knew he could grow his business of buying and refining old jewelry. All he needed was capital, and quickly. But he had exhausted his credit with conventional...
Four hundred years ago, on May 2, 1611 the Church of England published the King James Bible. The translation took forty-seven men seven years to complete. During the 14th – 16th centuries, the idea that...
10 Writing Tips for Bulk Email Marketing
Bulk email marketing is a key component of digital marketing. It is a promotion technique where marketers send a single email to a large audience with the intention of converting prospects into closed sales. Here are 10 writing tips for bulk email marketing that will give you more conversions.
Planning any event is a daunting process, especially if it involves speaking in front of a large crowd of your peers and colleagues. A seminar is an event that caters to a typical subject, interest...
According to The Bellingham Herald, Chase Larabee found himself bit by the entrepreneurial bug at a young age. As many entrepreneurs already know, that urge is hard to ignore. Larabee, 21, started ALLFBO.com in June,...

Popcorn Always Pops

photo credit: kozumel Thinking of launching a popcorn related business opportunity? According a report on American Popcorn, popcorn really pops in a down economy: A fourth generation business American Popcorn, the makers of Jolly...

Bed Makers Now Targeting Men

WSJ: After years of catering to women, manufacturers are setting their sights on men. The new macho mattresses they're introducing have "muscle-recovery properties" and cooling technology, on the theory that men are more likely to...
A mompreneur in Littleton, Colorado has signed on with Cybertary to launch one of their franchises in her town, according to a release from PR Web. Dana Hall spent much of her career in the corporate...
According to Bloomberg Businessweek, the economy may not be as vibrant as it was a few years ago. Yet by some measures, wealth is back. Global wealth has returned to 2007 pre-crisis levels, largely because of...

When Are You Most Creative?

Lifehack: When are you at your creative peak? That is, what time of day do ideas flow most easily for you? What activities bring your best ideas to the surface where you can most easily gather...

A Collar For Boats

Australian inventor, Pat Jones, was inspired one night after taking his "tinnie" out for a little fishing. Trying to bring his boat back to shore, he was fighting heavy winds and choppy water, but...

Niche Biz: Superfruit

Since almost all fruits contain a positive nutritional attribute, every fruit is super in it's own way. But that doesn't stop some from making a killing in the "superfruit" niche. BusinessWeek has more: ...
Have you covered all of your bases in giving your biz a polished look? What might be missing?
home care represented by smiling women, one an elder and the other younger
Is it time for you to craft a business plan for your home care agency? In this article, we put forth a few steps that will help you do just that.