Online Reviews Boost SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a powerful tool to attract new site visits that convert to sales. Social media and blogging can help, but local business reviews are the key to improving rankings.
Online Stores
To maximize profits, online stores should be easily accessible. Learn which features to consider to improve accessibility when designing your site.
How Do I Choose the Best Photographer That I Can Actually Trust?
If you've decided to bite the bullet and hire a photographer for all your brand's special events, congratulations! It's one of the best decisions you can make and one you'll never regret.
Why Complex Businesses Need a Customized Platform
What complex businesses need is one customized platform for their entire business operation. Moreover, this platform should automate processes as much as possible. Read on to learn more.
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A rise in online shopping over the past couple of years has led also to a rise in ecommerce fraud. It is more critical than ever before for businesses to detect and prevent online fraud. Here’s how the right solutions can help.
5 Industries That Were Transformed by the Internet
Invented decades ago, the internet has transformed the way human beings communicate with one another. Here we discuss the five biggest examples of this technology revolution, along with what they might look like as the internet continues to change and get bigger.
Data Engineering: An Essential Element to Big Data Strategy
Data engineering has become integral to working with big data. This is largely because the field of big data is progressing rapidly, and new technologies are continuously needed to deal with it.
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The Evolution of E-Commerce

The progression of the Internet has had a profound influence on people’s lives. It has radicalized the way we think and completely revolutionized the way we live. However, perhaps the most notable contribution the Internet has made in our daily lives is the evolution of e-commerce.
Linux Embedded Systems
Approximately 96% of the world's top servers use Linux for their embedded systems. Learn the benefits this operating system can provide your business and how it can launch your product to the next level.
If you’re not marketing and advertising your business online then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach new customers, gain increased brand awareness, and watch your business grow. Follow these tips to get started.
information architecture
Information architecture is all about enhancing the user experience. Study the target audience, define business context, and provide valuable content.
5 Powerful SEO Tips to Get Your Business Website to Rank Higher on Google
Would you like to know how to get your business website to rank higher on Google? In this article, you’ll find five powerful tips for doing just that.
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Shrink wrap is an excellent choice of product packaging for businesses. Here we walk you through shrink wrapping and talk about its benefits as well as the different types of wraps and shrink wrap machines. Let’s dive in.
Crafty business owners know that there are many craft ideas out there to explore. But where do you start? If you are wanting to dive into the world of entrepreneurship in the crafting...
There is no doubt that business owners and consumers alike share a considerable concern for cybersecurity issues. Take your e-commerce website, for instance. Have you ever lain awake at night wondering if it would pass a cybersecurity test? Read on to find out about 3 areas where you can make improvements to better protect your business.
5 Great Tips for an Effective Email Marketing Campaign
How do you put together an effective email marketing campaign? How do you ensure you gain opens and click-throughs to your site? We thought we would unpack everything you need to know about the secret to successful email marketing and how you can achieve it.
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As the owner of a small business, you know that shipping mistakes that result in late or damaged shipments can mean the difference between happy customers (and profit) and big losses. But taking steps to avoid these errors can keep your customers happy.
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Technology has allowed small players to set up shop in industries dominated by global companies. Read on to understand how e-commerce tools and tech platforms reduce small businesses' costs.
New Business in 2021
The year 2020 was a massively tough year for most businesses because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying economic roller coaster. However, here are five reasons 2021 is the year to start a new business.
ecommerce customer service - featured image
Do you want your online store to stand head and shoulders above the rest? Then offer impeccable eCommerce customer service. Here’s how.