work computer 2
Is your work computer locked down to the point of keeping you from doing your work? As a business owner, this is something you can scarcely afford. Do you have deadlines looming, clients waiting, but no way to work around the issue and gain access to your work in progress? If you need access right now, with no delay, here are a few techniques that can get you to the right place quickly.
planning - featured image
Planning is the most critical stage in any project. It guides everyone involved on how to go about the other project phases. Here are some compelling reasons why careful planning is essential in project management.
suggested for you - featured image
In this post, we discuss how Instagram sorts through the data to come up with its "suggested for you" offerings. Knowing how the app does this can help you gain some control over this feature.
research and development
When it’s time for fresh ideas from your IT team, it’s time for research and development, commonly referred to as R&D. However, should you hire more people and keep it in house? Or should you outsource your R&D? In this article, we explore the pros and cons of each.
maximize productivity - featured image
These days, working from home isn’t just a suggestion but a recommendation many people have to adhere to. In this post, we discuss some strategies to maximize productivity when you’re working at home.
MLM platform - featured image
Multi-level marketing (MLM) has become a common go-to option for many success-oriented companies. In this article, we talk about how to make the best use of an MLM platform.
expats - featured image
The United States is home to beautiful architecture and a luxurious culture. So it makes sense that many people who begin as tourists eventually seek advice on immigration to the US and become expats. In this write-up, we talk about business opportunities for expats in the United States.
technological advances - featured image
Technological advances have influenced the way we live and work in numerous ways. In this article, we analyze the various ways this shows up mainly in education but also in other areas of our lives.
business proposal - featured image
Chances are, you spent a great deal of time preparing your business proposal. However, the thought of presenting it makes you feel desperate, because you know you really need to win this client over. This article will help you to present your business proposal efficiently and effectively.
Excel online - featured image
Microsoft Excel Online is an alternative to Excel for desktop. Each version has its pros and cons. In fact, Excel for the web looks a lot like the Excel desktop app. However, there are some key differences you should know about. This article explains those differences.
Accidents are among the worst things that can happen at your workplace. Things can be even worse if you are running a workplace that is especially dangerous. For example, if the work space you are running is in a warehouse, the likelihood of a workplace injury is higher than if you were running an office. That’s why it’s important to follow some business safety tips. Whenever there's an accident in the workplace, there are indirect and direct costs to your business. Keep reading to educate yourself about these costs.
business plan - featured image
A startup’s initial business plan dictates how things will unfold, at least for the first few months. Moreover, these are the months that decide whether the business will fail or succeed. So construct your business plan carefully, as it will be the foundation of your business.
protect - featured image
In this post, we discuss a few of the things you should invest in to protect your new business. Once you know your property and business are secure, you can concentrate on what you do best—growing your company.
economic news - featured image
Sources of economic and business news are important to understanding the financial conditions around you. In this article, we share some reliable sources for reading economic news frequently. Let’s take a look.
Texas Dot Number
Running a trucking or a transportation business is both fun and profitable. However, making sure you comply with all the requirements set up by the government is essential to run your business. Learn how a Texas dot number is essential to run your trucking business legally.
supply chain - featured image
Whatever its size or age, if you want to ensure that your business is thriving in the future, the supply chain should be at the very center of management attention.
Fishbowl and QuickBooks - featured image
You might be familiar with QuickBooks as a means of handling accounting information. By integrating QuickBooks with Fishbowl, you can more easily manage both your inventory and your accounting, allowing for more productivity in your business.
monetize your blog - featured image
You might have thought when you started blogging you were doing it just for fun. But in 2021, it is entirely possible to monetize your blog. Here's how.
cultural awareness - featured image
Now more than ever, it is vital that companies diversifying their workforce seek to include cultural awareness as part of their company culture. This will ensure that everyone is heard, valued, and understood.
extended warranty - featured image
If you’re a business owner, you probably want to know if you could write off the extended warranty for the vehicle or vehicles you use for business. Here is some useful information about the topic.