your content represented by an artful arrangement of content marketing tools, including a human hand
Whether you are a blogger or an entrepreneur, how you are promoting your content acts as the differentiating catalyst between fading into insignificance and emerging into the spotlight.
brochures being printed
When you use printed brochures in conjunction with clever online marketing you will cover all bases. You can truly wow your potential customers and entice them to want to find out more about your brand.
Raising the funds to get your business started is probably one of the most difficult hurdles you’ll have to face as a new business owner. If you’ve been struggling to pull the capital together so that you can get going with your business, we’ve got some fresh ideas for you.
Simplifying Your Social Media Routine with Automated Posts
If you're like most small-business owners, your social media routine could use a little simplification. Automated posts are a great way to streamline your posting process and free up some time in your busy schedule. Read the article here for an introduction to automated posts.
marketing tactics - featured image
We small business owners have to plan our marketing tactics effectively. However, we also need to remain flexible to adapt to new trends, taking cues from customers and responding appropriately. Here are six marketing tactics that have become indispensable to the marketer's toolkit.
text marketing represented by a photograph of a mobile phone showing messaging icons
Text marketing is significantly cheaper than other forms of advertising, such as radio and television commercials. This makes it an ideal option for small businesses without a large budget for advertising.
Colorful smoke signifying motion on black background
Successful motion graphics are about emotional storytelling. Graphics utilize emotional cues create a connection with your audience.
Why would so many business people spend so much time on Twitter if there weren't a way to make money with it? Turns out that there are at least five ways to profit from Twitter.
mobile video represented by a colorful photo of a man wearing a white cap taking a video with a smartphone
As smartphones continue their development into ever-present consumer companions, marketing content must adapt to the seemingly limitless potential of modern devices and their capabilities, including the use of mobile video.
Source: Shopify I don’t care much for football. But I do care about this: An average of 114.4 million American TV viewers watched the Super Bowl in 2015. And that’s a conservative depiction of potential viewership when you consider...
Powered Template represented by a screen shot from that site
If you’re looking for a stock image that’s just right for your current project, you’ll be sure to find the one that best suits your needs at Powered Template.