suggested for you - featured image
In this post, we discuss how Instagram sorts through the data to come up with its "suggested for you" offerings. Knowing how the app does this can help you gain some control over this feature.
maximize productivity - featured image
These days, working from home isn’t just a suggestion but a recommendation many people have to adhere to. In this post, we discuss some strategies to maximize productivity when you’re working at home.
cryptocurrency business - featured image
Cryptocurrencies are still new, exciting, and full of growth and opportunity. Now is the best time to explore any ideas you may have about starting a cryptocurrency business. In an exploding digital economy, digital currencies will become more significant than ever.
MLM platform - featured image
Multi-level marketing (MLM) has become a common go-to option for many success-oriented companies. In this article, we talk about how to make the best use of an MLM platform.
expats - featured image
The United States is home to beautiful architecture and a luxurious culture. So it makes sense that many people who begin as tourists eventually seek advice on immigration to the US and become expats. In this write-up, we talk about business opportunities for expats in the United States.
technological advances - featured image
Technological advances have influenced the way we live and work in numerous ways. In this article, we analyze the various ways this shows up mainly in education but also in other areas of our lives.
ISO 20022 - featured image
ISO 20022 is an international standard for the portrayal of electronic messages in organizations offering financial services. In this article, we share important details you should know about ISO 20022.
car dealership - featured image
A car dealership can be a lucrative business. In this article we provide insight into the elements of a business plan for a successful car dealership.
business ideas for 2021
Starting a new business is no longer only for the wealthy. Are you intrigued? Check out these home-based business ideas for 2021.
monetize your blog - featured image
You might have thought when you started blogging you were doing it just for fun. But in 2021, it is entirely possible to monetize your blog. Here's how.
cultural awareness - featured image
Now more than ever, it is vital that companies diversifying their workforce seek to include cultural awareness as part of their company culture. This will ensure that everyone is heard, valued, and understood.
Ambitious Students
In order to be successful you must make sacrifices. However, they will be worth it in the end. Learn five job options ambitious students can take advantage of to be successful.
financial audit - featured image
Every business needs to perform a financial audit regularly. But what are the vital elements of a financial audit? If you own a business, you need to know. Here is a look at five critical components every financial audit should contain.
assignment - featured image
If you’re studying for a business degree in order to further your entrepreneurial aspirations, you have a lot to manage. If assignment troubles get to be too much, remember to ask for help. But first, remember these pointers.
anonymous complaints - featured image
Picture this: You walk into the office on a typical weekday morning. You sit down at your desk and discover you have received a complaint about one of your employees from an anonymous source. Here are a few tips to help you properly respond to anonymous complaints.
digital marketer
If you're interested in the marketing industry, looking to switch roles, or want to explore what a digital marketer does in their day-to-day life, this blog will explain it all. So take a sip of coffee and dive with us into a typical day working as a digital marketer.
taxi driver - featured image
While the Uber app is considered to be a significant disrupter of the taxi industry, it has also created considerable opportunities for those who aspire to be self-employed taxi drivers. If you want to become a self-employed taxi driver, there are a few things to keep in mind. We discuss those things in this post.
peer-to-peer - featured image
Peer-to-peer marketing, often abbreviated P2P, is the practice of customers engaging other customers through recommendations. It is effective because when consumers are deciding to buy a product or service, 93% of them trust their friends, families, and colleagues over other influences.
opportunities - featured image
Do you know some entrepreneurs who seem to have all the luck? Have you ever considered that they know how to make, recognize, and respond to business opportunities? Here are some ways you can do the same thing.
South Africa - featured image
In South Africa Forex trading is pretty popular. In fact, some have managed to become quite wealthy by way of Forex trading. Here, we introduce you to some of the wealthiest Forex trading millionaires of South Africa.