suggested for you - featured image
In this post, we discuss how Instagram sorts through the data to come up with its "suggested for you" offerings. Knowing how the app does this can help you gain some control over this feature.
research and development
When it’s time for fresh ideas from your IT team, it’s time for research and development, commonly referred to as R&D. However, should you hire more people and keep it in house? Or should you outsource your R&D? In this article, we explore the pros and cons of each.
SAP ERP - featured image
Are you thinking of investing in SAP ERP software? It’s definitely not an easy decision to make. For one thing, it’s a substantial investment. But is it worth it? We say it is. Here are nine of the most important benefits of implementing SAP ERP software.
cryptocurrency business - featured image
Cryptocurrencies are still new, exciting, and full of growth and opportunity. Now is the best time to explore any ideas you may have about starting a cryptocurrency business. In an exploding digital economy, digital currencies will become more significant than ever.
profit and loss
What it takes to calculate your crypto trading profit and loss is a mastery of the numbers. It doesn’t have to be hard, though, because we have sorted it all out. Just read and implement the information here for the best results.
technological advances - featured image
Technological advances have influenced the way we live and work in numerous ways. In this article, we analyze the various ways this shows up mainly in education but also in other areas of our lives.
IT project
The project management process for IT projects is quite different from that of other types of projects. Here, we outline distinctions in terms of time, budget, and resources.
ISO 20022 - featured image
ISO 20022 is an international standard for the portrayal of electronic messages in organizations offering financial services. In this article, we share important details you should know about ISO 20022.
Excel online - featured image
Microsoft Excel Online is an alternative to Excel for desktop. Each version has its pros and cons. In fact, Excel for the web looks a lot like the Excel desktop app. However, there are some key differences you should know about. This article explains those differences.
Here are 55 Real Estate Social Media Posts that will drive more engagement, increase brand awareness, and help you to sell more houses!  Many underestimate the power of social media,...
cybercrime - featured image
Your company's digital presence makes your enterprise susceptible to cyber threats. With that in mind, here are some suggestions for protecting your firm against cybercrime.
SAP, short for System Application Products, is a comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that contains many fully integrated modules such as logistics, financials, and human resources. If you're casting about for a business you could start and run on your own, perhaps you could consider an SAP consulting business.
Fishbowl and QuickBooks - featured image
You might be familiar with QuickBooks as a means of handling accounting information. By integrating QuickBooks with Fishbowl, you can more easily manage both your inventory and your accounting, allowing for more productivity in your business.
buying cryptocurrencies - featured image
Since 2017, the number of people who have been buying cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin has increased significantly. If you're considering joining their ranks, this article posits guidelines that can safeguard your investment and protect your sanity.
growthoid - featured image
We review the Instagram growth service Growthoid in this post, taking a look at how Growthoid works, what type of service you can expect, and whether or not it’s worth your time.
trucking industry
Operating a successful business comes with a lot of challenges in any year. 2020's challenges are at a whole new level for the trucking industry.
transportation company
Many businesses are dropping the traditional office style setting in favor of a virtual team. Now is the time for you to consider how you can transition your transportation company to fit this structure as well.
messaging apps - featured image
Now is a good time to audit how your workforce uses messaging apps in your organization. Then develop a strategy and get the right tools in place for effective and safe workplace messaging. In this article, we offer some suggestions.
cardano mining - featured image
A large number of people are discovering and beginning to buy Cardano. Many of those investors are wondering about Cardano mining. This article looks into whether Cardano mining is even possible and how this currency works.
business opportunities in space - featured image
Space exploration and investment are at a peak not seen since the Cold War. And thanks to the efforts of private companies, there have never been so many investment prospects on offer. We look at some of the best business opportunities in the space industry.