cultural awareness - featured image
Now more than ever, it is vital that companies diversifying their workforce seek to include cultural awareness as part of their company culture. This will ensure that everyone is heard, valued, and understood.
norwegian dugnad
Devotion to the power of collective effort is evident in the Norwegian dugnad tradition. Here's what you need to know to engage.
cosmetic lasers - featured image
Today, many women are turning to skin treatments with cosmetic lasers to brighten and tighten their skin. In fact, the shift toward this option is so massive that it has brought about a major upsurge in the market for treatments with cosmetic lasers. In this post, we take a look at these changes.
next 50 years - featured image
It probably doesn’t surprise you to read here that experts are predicting massive changes to the way we live and do business in the next 50 years. Take a look with us now at what experts are saying about the future.
Elijah Norton - featured image
Elijah Norton, president of Veritas Global Protection Services, shares his views on what he believes keeps customers coming back to his business.
accessiBe - featured image
In this guide, we cover what the ADA is all about and why you need to start using a web accessibility solution like accessiBe.
mission - featured image
Knowing the mission behind a company is vital. It clarifies the purpose for what you do and serves as the blueprint for how you do it.
sensitivity - featured image
The addition of cultural sensitivity to your overall marketing plan can help sell your product effectively in new regions. It can leverage your brand against international competition while also building brand loyalty among local customers.
networking - featured image
It is imperative to create a deep network of key individuals in your business to succeed as an executive today. We talked to the former CEO of Polycom Inc., Andrew Miller, to learn how he manages to create a powerful and valuable network.
The workplace you provide for your employees should give them a positive environment where they can grow professionally. Unfortunately, many workplaces don't provide their employees with this type of environment. As a business owner, have you examined your workplace practices thoroughly to eliminate discrimination?
healthcare technology - featured image
For individuals, service recipients, and healthcare experts, healthcare technology allows a new age of healthcare services. As you move forward, it's vital to keep an eye on the trends shaping healthcare technology.
ariix-newage - featured image
It took only 16 months for Paolo Meucci to become part of the Ariix-NewAge Million Dollar Club. This is an elite circle reserved for those who generate commissions of a million dollars.
professional network - featured image
Once the initial euphoria of being a business owner fades, you’ll realize it’s a lonely journey. Only a strong professional network can offer you the advice and support you need to overcome the challenges of running a company.
medical billing and coding - featured image
Medical billing and coding is a field that has many career options available, and the field will be growing in the next few years. If you’re interested, let's look at how to get certified.
Entrance Signs
Entrance signs or signage are important for businesses, communities, and developers. While companies use visual graphics for advertising, communities utilize signs to inform. Let’s take a closer look at why entrance signs are must-have additions to a location.
medical practice - featured image
If you want to build a successful medical practice, there are dozens of moving parts that you must manage in tandem with one another. Learning how to focus your energy on the right tasks and make strategic investments in the areas that matter most will yield the best results.
medical residency
If you want to be a doctor, regardless of your specialty, medical residency is imperative. Residents Medical can help place you in a medical residency.
lawn care - featured image
Attract more walk-in customers to your business by maintaining a beautiful commercial lawn. Follow the lawn care suggestions here to ensure your commercial lawn remains attractive all year.
employee with addiction
Addiction can seriously disrupt someone’s personal life and have an enormous effect on the lives of their families and loved ones. Moreover, if you find yourself in the position of managing an employee with addiction, you might not know where to turn for help. This article is written for you.
business safe - featured image
The COVID-19 pandemic rages on, and you must find ways to stay in business while keeping your customers and employees safe. Are you feeling overwhelmed and short on answers? In this article, we try to help.