healthcare technology - featured image
For individuals, service recipients, and healthcare experts, healthcare technology allows a new age of healthcare services. As you move forward, it's vital to keep an eye on the trends shaping healthcare technology.
ariix-newage - featured image
It took only 16 months for Paolo Meucci to become part of the Ariix-NewAge Million Dollar Club. This is an elite circle reserved for those who generate commissions of a million dollars.
medical billing and coding - featured image
Medical billing and coding is a field that has many career options available, and the field will be growing in the next few years. If you’re interested, let's look at how to get certified.
medical practice - featured image
If you want to build a successful medical practice, there are dozens of moving parts that you must manage in tandem with one another. Learning how to focus your energy on the right tasks and make strategic investments in the areas that matter most will yield the best results.
medical residency
If you want to be a doctor, regardless of your specialty, medical residency is imperative. Residents Medical can help place you in a medical residency.
employee with addiction
Addiction can seriously disrupt someone’s personal life and have an enormous effect on the lives of their families and loved ones. Moreover, if you find yourself in the position of managing an employee with addiction, you might not know where to turn for help. This article is written for you.
healthcare mobile apps - featured image
Two years of disruption have come to an end. However, major technological shifts are still ahead, with the healthcare industry being among the main innovators. In that sector, healthcare mobile apps (mHealth apps) are spearheading technological growth.
return to the office
As states begin to reduce restrictions, business owners must consider a safe return to the office for employees. Use these strategies.
healthcare - featured image
As technology evolves, it plays a significant role in the medical industry. Basically, it allows doctors and patients to stay connected, streamlining healthcare management and creating a higher level of safety for many.
business growth - featured image
Business growth is the ultimate goal for every entrepreneur. But scaling upward is often easier said than done. If you’re struggling to meet your business goals, you could be overlooking your most valuable resource: your customers.
education system - featured image
The best way to transform the education system is by developing your own at home. Basically, you must understand that the way students learn is now headed in a new direction.
Emotional Support Animals
Need emotional support while doing your best work for your employer? There are options to boost your productivity.
Best Way to Manage Medical Accounts Receivable
Improving your accounts receivable process in healthcare needs active revenue cycle management. You must address any process inefficiencies. Here, we discuss what you can do to guarantee your medical accounts receivable plan is on track to collect your money.
mobility caring - featured image
Mobility Caring is an Australian specialist provider of medical and home care equipment and technology. Use their products for a new lease on life.
mental health - featured iamge
It may surprise you to learn that mental health has a lot to do with on-the-job safety. In this post, we explore emotional well-being in three sectors to uncover the reasons why this is the case.
ERP software - featured image
Thanks to recent advancements in technology, healthcare providers are now turning to ERP software instead of relying exclusively on paper records. Patients and healthcare providers alike enjoy impressive benefits as a result.
anti-coronavirus procedures
Anti-coronavirus procedures must be communicated to employees in businesses all across the nation. Here's how to get the information right.
Almost all of us will have to take a job at some point. Still, not all degrees are equal when it comes to maximum employability.
healthcare worker discussing medical expenses with a patient
Many Americans access health insurance, dental insurance, and other medical-related coverage through their employers. As a self-employed individual, what can you do? These are some of the options freelancers have to manage healthcare expenses.
workplace injury - featured image
Note to employers: We recommend that you print out and post the following article in the company breakroom. This will help employees understand what to do in case of a workplace injury and demonstrate to them that you have their best interests at heart.