financial audit - featured image
Every business needs to perform a financial audit regularly. But what are the vital elements of a financial audit? If you own a business, you need to know. Here is a look at five critical components every financial audit should contain.
assignment - featured image
If you’re studying for a business degree in order to further your entrepreneurial aspirations, you have a lot to manage. If assignment troubles get to be too much, remember to ask for help. But first, remember these pointers.
growthoid - featured image
We review the Instagram growth service Growthoid in this post, taking a look at how Growthoid works, what type of service you can expect, and whether or not it’s worth your time.
digital marketer
If you're interested in the marketing industry, looking to switch roles, or want to explore what a digital marketer does in their day-to-day life, this blog will explain it all. So take a sip of coffee and dive with us into a typical day working as a digital marketer.
taxi driver - featured image
While the Uber app is considered to be a significant disrupter of the taxi industry, it has also created considerable opportunities for those who aspire to be self-employed taxi drivers. If you want to become a self-employed taxi driver, there are a few things to keep in mind. We discuss those things in this post.
transportation company
Many businesses are dropping the traditional office style setting in favor of a virtual team. Now is the time for you to consider how you can transition your transportation company to fit this structure as well.
peer-to-peer - featured image
Peer-to-peer marketing, often abbreviated P2P, is the practice of customers engaging other customers through recommendations. It is effective because when consumers are deciding to buy a product or service, 93% of them trust their friends, families, and colleagues over other influences.
messaging apps - featured image
Now is a good time to audit how your workforce uses messaging apps in your organization. Then develop a strategy and get the right tools in place for effective and safe workplace messaging. In this article, we offer some suggestions.
business bank account - featured image
A business bank account can prove useful for an entrepreneur. However, before signing up for a business bank account, it’s important to look into the different types available and ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.
cardano mining - featured image
A large number of people are discovering and beginning to buy Cardano. Many of those investors are wondering about Cardano mining. This article looks into whether Cardano mining is even possible and how this currency works.
opportunities - featured image
Do you know some entrepreneurs who seem to have all the luck? Have you ever considered that they know how to make, recognize, and respond to business opportunities? Here are some ways you can do the same thing.
South Africa - featured image
In South Africa Forex trading is pretty popular. In fact, some have managed to become quite wealthy by way of Forex trading. Here, we introduce you to some of the wealthiest Forex trading millionaires of South Africa.
business opportunities in space - featured image
Space exploration and investment are at a peak not seen since the Cold War. And thanks to the efforts of private companies, there have never been so many investment prospects on offer. We look at some of the best business opportunities in the space industry.
How to Start a Teaching or Tutorial Website   Looking to start a website, but constantly putting it off due to the fact that you have no clue where to start or what niche you would even...
car sharing business
Car sharing is hot right now. In fact, the car sharing business is so hot that many car manufacturers are afraid that the traditional model of car ownership is about to collapse. Between 2010 and 2015, the total annual revenue for car sharing businesses doubled. Before 2024, experts believe it could increase another 34 percent to $16.5 billion. It’s safe to say that now’s a good time to get into the business of car sharing. Fortunately, running a car sharing company isn’t much different from running any other business. Here are the steps you need to start your own car sharing business.
Term loan - featured image
Are you a business owner in need of capital for your business? If so, you might be wondering what type of business loan would be best for your business. In this post, we explore the differences between term loans and SBA loans. However, there are many other types of business loans as well. With diligence, you will find the right source of capital for your business.
crafts - featured image
Marketing your creations online isn’t easy. There is a lot of competition and it’s hard to stand out. So let’s look at some tips that can help you market your crafts online.
asset-based lending - featured image
If you’re looking for business financing to put toward renovations or expansion, to meet day-to-day expenses, or to take care of other business initiatives, asset based lending will help.
passport photo - featured image
The world is changing, but people still need new passports, visas, driver's licenses, and student ID cards. So now might be just the right time to launch your own home-based business as a passport photo maker.
credit repair - featured image
Credit repair is a highly competitive industry. To stand out from the crowd and generate plenty of leads, you should diversify and promote your services wisely. Follow our tips to devise a multifaceted strategy for long-term success.