blog - featured image
How much is your blog worth? Would you like to find out? This article contains a link to an applet that will calculate the worth of your blog for you.
home-based - featured image
In today’s digitized world, people can stay connected no matter where they are. So take advantage of all this flexibility and start your business right in the comfort of your own home. Still not convinced that starting a home-based business is advantageous? Keep reading to see why it may be the best idea you ever had.
How to Start a mobile boutique business
If taco trucks are the only thing you think of when you imagine truck businesses, guess again. Here are 50+ different businesses that operate on four wheels that you just might want to check out!!
Are you thinking of business ideas in real estate as your next venture? The real estate industry is a super lucrative business opportunity because there are so many different avenues that you could...
product reviews
Consumers rely heavily on ratings and product reviews when considering a purchase. In response, the world of online retail has spawned an entire industry of tools and software to capture consumer opinions for every product and service imaginable. Most of the time, it's a great system. But like all good ideas, there can also be a downside. Unscrupulous individuals are gaming the system at unprecedented rates. However, here we list four of the best review sites out there.
InventHelp can help you turn your idea into a business.
suggested for you - featured image
In this post, we discuss how Instagram sorts through the data to come up with its "suggested for you" offerings. Knowing how the app does this can help you gain some control over this feature.
maximize productivity - featured image
These days, working from home isn’t just a suggestion but a recommendation many people have to adhere to. In this post, we discuss some strategies to maximize productivity when you’re working at home.
Are you enthusiastic about motorcycles? Do you think and dream about motorcycles all the time? You can turn your passion into a profitable business. In fact, the best way to get into the business world is to turn your skills or hobbies into business ideas. Here are some of the best motorcycle business ideas that you can explore.
cryptocurrency business - featured image
Cryptocurrencies are still new, exciting, and full of growth and opportunity. Now is the best time to explore any ideas you may have about starting a cryptocurrency business. In an exploding digital economy, digital currencies will become more significant than ever.
A franchise, in its simplest definition, is a business opportunity that allows the franchisee (possibly you) to start a business by legally using someone else's (the franchisor's) expertise, ideas, and processes. Is franchising for you? This post could guide you toward a decision.
Here is a brief summary of the most popular types of business opportunities available to prospective entrepreneurs today.
MLM platform - featured image
Multi-level marketing (MLM) has become a common go-to option for many success-oriented companies. In this article, we talk about how to make the best use of an MLM platform.
parking lot litter removal - featured image
Parking lot litter removal is an essential service that benefits commercial businesses in your area. At the same time, it can provide you with a lucrative opportunity to earn a good living by working for yourself.
expats - featured image
The United States is home to beautiful architecture and a luxurious culture. So it makes sense that many people who begin as tourists eventually seek advice on immigration to the US and become expats. In this write-up, we talk about business opportunities for expats in the United States.
inmate entrepreneur
Can a prisoner start a business from inside jail? It depends on many circumstances. Here are three are the first considerations for any endeavor.
Here's a list of over 40 small business ideas for men. Most of these business ideas have little start-up costs and low overhead. Also, there are several of these small business ideas for...
essential businesses- featured image
Small businesses serve the needs of their communities, in a symbiotic relationship that allows those communities to thrive and prosper. Every community needs businesses like those mentioned here in order to function properly.
Commodity trading can be immensely profitable, especially when it comes to precious metals like gold and silver. These two precious metals have been linked to currency for most of human history. While they have industrial uses (especially silver), their prices often have more to do with speculation, fear trading, and inflation. There are a few key factors that will determine whether you can turn investing in silver into a profitable endeavor: when you buy this precious metal, when you sell it, and where you sell it.
DIY car fixing
Whether your company owns a fleet of vehicles or only a single company car, you might need to do some DIY car fixing from time to time. Or you might just want to have DIY car fixing skills for your own personal ride. But how does one learn DIY car fixing skills by oneself? Here we offer some tips that can lead you toward a good DIY car fixing experience.