Untold numbers of entrepreneurs are selling everything from customized yoga mats to homemade food.

One of them is Marti Wymer, founder of Spoonful of Comfort, a Bradenton, Fla., company that delivers chicken noodle soup, dinner rolls and chewy oatmeal raisin cookies, made fresh daily. A 64-ounce jar of soup is $32; sides are $6. Your order arrives in a nicely wrapped, chilled package, and rest assured, the soup tastes great, reports Entrepreneur magazine.

Since Spoonful’s launch in August, month-over-month growth has been phenomenal. Sales during the first six weeks of 2010 surpassed the total from the year before, and Wymer has hired a fulfillment team to meet demand.

“It’s all about making someone feel better, so the pressure is getting it there on time,” she says. “And I’m motivated to do things well because I want to build a legacy for my family.”

The beauty of the product is that it’s personal, says Mark Frauenfelder, editor-in-chief of Make magazine.

“There’s extra value placed on something you have a hand in creating,” he says, “and when you sell stuff you have a major part in making, you can really connect with the person who buys it.”

Spoonful of Comfort will send tomato soup, butternut squash, summertime vegetable and has gluten free choices as well. You can also send cookies and delivery options are available for several different occasions!

Photo by Spoonful of Comfort.

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Comfort Keepers a Keeper?

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