Commercial real estate - featured image
Commercial real estate includes retail space, apartment buildings, offices, warehouses,and so on. This type of real estate generates income through appreciation of the property as well as from business revenue. Successful businessman Ofir Eyal Bar shares his experience in this post.
car dealership - featured image
A car dealership can be a lucrative business. In this article we provide insight into the elements of a business plan for a successful car dealership.
vape shop
There are great potential profits in the vaping industry, despite its recent regulatory difficulties in the US. In fact, there’s still plenty of room for new companies to jump in and participate. Moreover, starting a vape shop is something almost any entrepreneur can do.
CBD edibles
If you have ever wanted to work from home but haven't yet found the right opportunity, we have a suggestion for you. Selling CBD edibles and other CBD-based products could be exactly what you have been looking for. What's more, starting your at-home business has never been easier or more lucrative.
Grocery Delivery Business - featured image
The online grocery delivery business is booming across the globe. That's because ever-increasing numbers of people are opting for purchasing their groceries online. So running an online grocery store is a significant business idea.
foreign investments
Investing in foreign markets has never been more accessible. But many investors are still skeptical when it comes to shipping their money overseas. While foreign investing is not free of risks, there are some ways it can turn into a profitable business.
Dropshipping Jewelry
Dropshipping fine jewelry is a profitable business when implemented in the correct marketplace. Find out how targeting a high-end market and building a positive reputation can earn you higher profit margins.
Young Image of Jean Claude Van Damme
Let Jean-Claude Van Damme Motivate You to be a Success I am just one of those people that is constantly trying to stay motivated. I love business and working hard but some days are just not...
Fishing Business
Fishing is a fun and exciting activity, but it is also a huge and profitable business industry. Many people use fishing as a means to earn money and make a living. Learn about these four business ideas to try in 2021.
bitcoin investing
Bitcoin investing has been a roller coaster ride in recent years. At the end of 2017, the price of bitcoin nearly hit the $20k mark. However, today, it’s fallen to $3,500. That’s one heck of a drop. But experts fear we haven’t seen the end of bitcoin’s dramatic fall from grace.
business ideas for 2021
Starting a new business is no longer only for the wealthy. Are you intrigued? Check out these home-based business ideas for 2021.
affiliate marketing - featured image
What do casinos rely on if their government doesn’t allow digital marketing? Affiliate marketers, that’s who. Read the article here to find out more.
SAP, short for System Application Products, is a comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that contains many fully integrated modules such as logistics, financials, and human resources. If you're casting about for a business you could start and run on your own, perhaps you could consider an SAP consulting business.
You don't need to be a major retailer like Walmart to buy products at wholesale. There are many reasons why all types of companies might need to do business with a wholesaler. Large retailers, non-profit organizations, as well as small work-at-home operations can all benefit from buying goods wholesale. The key to success is simply finding the right wholesaler to get high-quality products at great prices. Here are a few reasons why your company might benefit from buying goods at wholesale.
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay  The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) was formed in 1871. Today it serves as an advisory body for the state insurance departments in the...
food delivery service
Today more than ever, people are ordering meals from a food delivery service. What's more, many of them are tired of having only limited choices such as Chinese or pizza. This is especially true if they have a favorite local restaurant. But you, an innovative entrepreneur, have taken the initiative and set up a restaurant food delivery service. You are doing okay, but you want to find ways to improve your service. You just don’t know where to start. Here are a few tips to improve your food delivery service and raise more revenue at the same time.
monetize your blog - featured image
You might have thought when you started blogging you were doing it just for fun. But in 2021, it is entirely possible to monetize your blog. Here's how.
It is about that time of year again - orange and black in every store window, the fragrant aroma of cinnamon sticks and apple cider in the air, and a Halloween Store in every city - maybe more than one. Have you ever wondered about these great big giant stores that pop up out of nowhere, last for 2 months and then close back up almost over night? Well we did a little research and discovered how they operate. While it may be too late for this year, you might want to think about opening one for next year.
Ambitious Students
In order to be successful you must make sacrifices. However, they will be worth it in the end. Learn five job options ambitious students can take advantage of to be successful.
art lesson business
Teaching an art workshop is a great way to use your art abilities while earning some extra cash. An art lesson business is great because you can stay small and only hold classes when you have time. Or you can grow it so large that you must hire other teachers to help keep up with demand. We have some ideas to help you get started with your art lesson business.