A Desk Held Up With Balloons

How do you build a desk suspended by balloons? A company called Twisted Image finally started production in February. Their job was to fabricate permanent hot air balloons strong enough to...
If you've ever tried to take a vacation with children that required the use of both an airplane and a rental car, you know the pain. What do you do about car seats and boosters?...

The Redneck Wine Glass

CNN Money: America’s love affair with the irreverent, tacky and politically incorrect is making millions for at least one business. Carson Home Accents, a 41-year-old, family-owned company based in Freeport, Pa., struck gold recently when...
A reader wrote: I read your blog everyday and for some reason never thought of sending in one of our products. His product is the Nighttime Cold Sweat Alarm. It turns out that one...
Do you remember the movie Back to the Future 2? In the film, Marty McFly and Doc Brown travel to year 2015, where they encounter all manner of futuristic devices, including flying cars, self adjusting...
If there are two foods more quintessentially American than hot dogs and pizza, I don’t know what they are. But, darn it, the Brits have beat us to culinary nirvana! This hot dog...
Last week we profiled a unique invention that made it possible to store earbuds on a bracelet, allowing people to take their earbuds anywhere without losing them. This week I had the opportunity to...
The Ledger: Greg Drouillard may join a select list – including guys named Jobs and Wozniak – who started a digital revolution from their home garages. The "it," a technology called "Natural Light Labeling," may not have...
Inventorspot: What you get is what you see... and less. The DIY "Shanzai" (imitation) Lambo is based on a second-generation Toyota MR2, a mid-engine automobile made from 1989 through 1999. The model W20 MR2 displays a noticeable...
Hidden Water Pools look like traditional pools until the owner presses a button on the attached control panel. Within seconds, hydraulic lifts, powered by the pool’s own water, slowly raise the floor of the pool...
Cornell Chronicle: Once you pop the top of a tube of potato chips, it can be hard to stop munching its contents. But Cornell researchers may have found a novel way to help: Add...
If you have brown eyes, but you've always wanted them to be blue, an inventor has a new device that can make that change permanent. Gregg Homer, founder of Stroma Medical in Laguna Beach, Calif., told...
Do you love watching birds? Put down your binoculars. A new invention will lure birds right to your nose: It's a hummingbird feeder that you can wear. It's called :--2< :, and pronounced "eye 2...
Ever wonder what the world have been like if we never had electricity, modern medicine, or the computer? Here are some inventions that helped make our world the way it is today, as shared...
WWSB ABC 7: Cell phone use while driving caused over 3,000 deaths and 600,000 accidents last year. Numbers like those led a local father and son to team up and create a solution to what many...

Take a Pill for Bedbugs

The new way to kill bedbugs: take a pill and go to bed and let them bite you. A few days later, they die. The technique is known as xenointoxication, which sounds like...

The Perfect Photo Album

If you're the type of person who has picture frames filling up every inch of space on your walls and tables, Paul Sadowski has the perfect solution for you. It is called Picture Pages. Just...
A few years ago, I first posted about adjustable eyeglasses. Unlike the glasses you’re probably wearing right now to read this site, adjustable glasses don’t have a set prescription and instead allow the wearer...

Luxury Submarine

Luxury Submarine   Do you have an extra $80 million under the mattress just waiting to find the ultimate celebrity status vehicle? Well, then, how about a luxury submarine? For instance, take the U.S. Submarines’ Phoenix 1000. The Phoenix...
Stephen Key lives the life that many of my readers dream of: he develops ideas for new products, licenses them out, collects royalty checks, and doesn’t look back. In his new book One Simple Idea,...